
From the early years we have pursued energy efficient design and development. The current sustainable and green culture fits our philosophy and allows us to share our knowledge and experience. Kip Klayton Architects believes in practicing sustainable architecture responsibly by designing shelter that will enhance the well being of its occupants and to honor the natural resources which are inherent in every site. |
Through our “Three - R”s (recycle-refurbish-rebuild) program we have defined many benefits of “green” building practices that include:
Environmental benefits
- Conservation & restoration of natural resources
- Reduced solid waste and landfill mitigation
- Reduced waste water treatment leading to water conservation
- Biodiversity support
- Air quality
Social Benefits
- Improved quality of life
- Informed public awareness
- Improved productivity
- Increased p ublic and personal participation
- Improved live/work health
Economic Benefits
- Reduction of building energy costs
- Reuse of salvaged building materials
- Optimize life-cycle economic performance
- Minimized strain on local infrastructure
- Tax benefits and incentives